Phlebotomy, in simple terms, is the withdrawal of blood from the veins. A healthcare worker specializing in this field is usually called a Phlebotomist or Phlebotomy Technician. Phlebotomy as a healthcare career or a degree in phlebotomy is challenging yet lucrative and has a significant role in the medical field. You can train in vocational, technical, and colleges to get phlebotomy certification.


What Does A Phlebotomist Do?

As a phlebotomy technician, you are licensed to withdraw blood from patients for diagnostic purposes, clinical routines, blood transfusions and donations, and other medical issues. Furthermore, phlebotomy technicians serve as an important figure in assisting healthcare providers in diagnosing patients by making their blood available for screening and testing.

To be a Phlebotomist is quite simple. All you have to do is to undergo phlebotomy training from standard vocational schools like Florida International. Interestingly, the training ends with a certification or a degree in Phlebotomy. This helps to ascertain that you are licensed to practice as a phlebotomist in your healthcare career.

In addition, for you to perform well in the profession, it is required that phlebotomists are friendly, approachable, and polite to patients. These qualities help a patient to feel relaxed and optimistic about the situation. So, if you have these gifts, considering a degree in Phlebotomy should be topmost on your mind.


Why Get A Degree In Phlebotomy?

You can enroll in phlebotomy training at Florida International College. More importantly, you need to know why a phlebotomy certification is right for you.

  • Safety

Phlebotomy technicians are number one in ensuring the use of sterile procedures. They understand the dangers of working in an infectious environment and working with unsterile materials like needles, gloves, and lab coats. Hence, they ensure that all necessary equipment used to withdraw blood is appropriately sterilized, with frequent washing of hands and disinfection of workspaces. This action minimizes the germs rate and reduces the spread of blood-borne diseases.

  • A good relationship with patients

Phlebotomists are widely known to share a close bond with their patients. They are friendly and mild in speaking. In addition, they possess good communication skills that enable easy explanations of technical matters to patients.

  • They are reliable

Doctors and clinical laboratories rely on phlebotomists to bring quality samples because they are dependable. They are specialized in the circulatory system of the body, knowing the good parts of the body with the right veins and arteries. Thus, this earns them the respect and trust of other healthcare workers.

Get A Degree In Phlebotomy!

One of the easy ways to get a degree in Phlebotomy is to enroll in a Phlebotomy course at Florida International College. We offer a diploma program that runs for approximately six weeks. Our graduates are workers at diagnostic laboratories, hospitals, and physicians’ offices. Contact us or fill out an info request form for more information.

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